Monday, October 24, 2011

I don't know what it is about this little cutie, but every time she is around my hand is immediately reaching for my camera.  She is my inspiration.

Monday, October 17, 2011

This will contain nothing but venting so proceed with caution.

I am so sick of selfish people.  I know that it is impossible to escape them, but it is really getting to me.  It is really hard to just deal with them when they are your own family members.  I honestly don't understand how I am part of my family sometimes.  I am nothing like them.  I get ridiculed for NOT DRINKING. And made fun of when I try to confront a serious issue.  I honestly don't know what to do anymore.  I wish I could just say "screw them" but I'm not that kind of person.  I wish there was someone who could give me some good advice, but I really don't think there is any.  I guess I'll just have to try and deal with it even though they will all end up making fun of me this weekend for being a good person.  They make fun of my relationship, my beliefs, and things that mean a lot to me.  They can't accept anything that they don't like even if it isn't affecting them in anyway.  They don't realize how their actions are affecting me, but if I tried to tell them that they would refuse to even try to understand. 

I always hope that writing will give me answers, but it doesn't.  It makes me feel better for a little while, but it never solves anything.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Honestly, the only thing I want to do is take pictures every second of every day.  I wish I knew I could make a career out of it, but unfortunately there's no guarantee.  I cannot figure out what I want to do with my life.  As of right now I am an elementary education major, but since there are barely any teaching jobs I feel that I shouldn't go into teaching.  Teaching is the only thing I can see myself doing.  Whatever I do I want to work with kids.  
Ultimately, becoming a photographer is my dream.  It's way too hard to make a living from taking pictures though.  I'm hoping it can be something on the side or something to do until I get a real job.  It really upsets me that some people are able to find people to hire them to take pictures when they aren't even that good.  Hopefully I'll find my golden opportunity sometime soon!